In a consensus protocol parties have an input (at least two possible values, say 0 or 1) and may output a decision value such that:

  • Uniform Agreement: all decision values are the same.
  • Validity: if all inputs are the same, then this is the output value.

The third property is Termination, and the following two influential lower bounds correspond to two Dijkstra prizes (awarded in 2001 and 2024):

Theorem [FLP83]: any protocol solving consensus in an asynchronous model that is resilient to one crash failure must have an infinite execution.

Theorem [SW89]: any protocol solving consensus in a synchronous model that is resilient to one mobile crash failure must have an infinite execution.

We prove both results by a reduction to a common weaker adversary we call the mobile delay adversary in synchrony with a single failure and then prove that any consensus protocol resilient to it must have infinite executions. This gives a rather simple and unified proof, for both a single mobile crash in synchrony and a single crash in asynchrony.


A configuration is a set of all the states of all the parties and the set of currently undelivered messages.

Definition: For a configuration $C$ let $val(C)$ be the decision in the failure free extension that starts with configuration $C$ and runs in synchrony with no failures.

Definition: For a configuration $C$ and party $p$ let $val(C-p)$ be the decision in the extension that starts with configuration $C$ and runs in synchrony except that all of party $p$’s outgoing messages are infinitely delayed ($p$ is crashed) and all other parties are failure free.

Definition of a $p$-pivot configuration: For a party $p$ we say that a configuration $C$ is a $p$-pivot if $val(C) \neq val (C-p)$.

In words, a $p$-pivot configuration is a configuration where the decision value of its failure free extension is different from the decision value of its extension where $p$ crashes and all others are failure free. Compared to the definition of bi-valency, this definition is more explicit and constructive in terms of the extensions that lead to opposing decision values.

Mobile delay adversary

The mobile delay adversary with one failure, in lock step, at each round, can choose one party to delay some of its messages. Once a party is delayed, its remaining outgoing messages suffer one additional round of delay. The adversary can corrupt a party with a delay at any point in the round. So for example it can delay all the outgoing messages, or only the last outgoing message, etc.

Note that the adversary can continue to delay the same party indefinitely and this is equivalent to crashing the party.

Mobile delay adversary lower bound

Not surprisingly, we start by showing that some initial configuration must be a $p$-pivot configuration.

Lemma 1: Any consensus protocol that is resilient to at least 1 mobile delay failure has a $p$-pivot initial configuration.

Proof: For $0 \leq i \le n$ let $C_i$ be the initial configuration where parties 1 to $i$ have input 1 (empty set for $i=0$) and the rest have input 0. From validity, $val(C_0)=0$ and $val(C_n)=1$, so the (trivial) one dimension Sperner’s Lemma implies that there exists $1 \le i \le n$ and two adjacent configurations such that $val(C_{i-1}) =0$ and $val(C_{i})=1$.

Note that the only difference between $C_{i-1}$ and $C_i$ is the initial value of party $i$. Let $C’$ be the execution where party $i$ crashes (is delayed forever) at the beginning of the execution. Critically, $C’$ could be reached from either $C_{i-1}$ or $C_i$ and all parties’ views would be indistinguishable. So we have


So by definition if $val(C’)=1$ then $C_{i-1}$ is an $i$-pivot configuration and similarly if $val(C’)=0$ then $C_i$ is an $i$-pivot configuration. This completes the proof.

We now show can can always extend a $p$-pivot configuration by one round to a $p’$-pivot configuration, thus creating an infinite execution.

Lemma 2: If $C$ is a $p$-pivot configuration at the beginning of round $k$, then there is an extension of $C$ to $C’$ by one round in the mobile delay model where $C’$ is a $p’$-pivot configuration at the beginning of round $k+1$.

Proof: Given a $p$-pivot configuration $C$ at the beginning of round $k$, define $D$ as the extension of $C$ by one round (to the beginning of round $k+1$), where all of party $p$’s messages are delayed in round $k$.

Note that in the failure free extension of $D$ these messages will be delivered in round $k+$.

Case 1 (trivial): If $val(D) \neq val(D-p)$ then $D$ is an extension of $C$, is at the beginning of round $k+1$, and its a $p$-pivot configuration. So the Lemma holds.

Case 2: Otherwise $val(D) = val(D-p)$. From the definition of $D$, $val(C-p)=val(D-p)$ because both executions are identical: we delay all messages from $p$ at the beginning of round $k$. From the assumption that $C$ is a $p$-pivot, $val(C-p) \neq val(C)$. Therefore $val(D) \neq val (C)$. Without loss of generality assume that $val(D)=0$, hence $val(C)=1$.

Observe that the only difference between $C$ and $D$ is that in $D$ we delay $p$’s messages in round $k$ for one round.

Consider the $n+1$ configurations $D=C_0,C_1,\dots,C_n=C$ where $C_j$ is the configuration in which the adversary delays party $p$ after it sends its messages to $j$ parties.

The (trivial) one dimension Sperner’s Lemma implies that there exists $1 \le i \le n$ and two adjacent configurations such that $val(C_{i-1}) =0$ and $val(C_{i})=1$.

The only difference between $C_{i-1}$ and $C_i$ is the state of party $i$ and an undelivered message from $p$ to $i$. Let $C’$ be the execution where messages sent from party $i$ are delayed forever at the beginning of round $k$. As in Lemma 1, $C’$ could be reached from either $C_{i-1}$ or $C_i$ with all parties’ views being indistinguishable. So again we have


By definition, if $val(C’)=1$ then $C_{i-1}$ is an $i$-pivot configuration at the beginning of round $k+1$ and similarly if $val(C’)=0$ then $C_i$ is an $i$-pivot configuration at the beginning of round $k+1$. This completes the proof.

Extending the proof to non-uniform agreement

Consider the execution which proceeds through an infinite series of $p$-pivot configurations (with different $p$’s). Assume by way of contradiction that some round $k$ in this execution, is the first round in which at least two different parties decide on a value before the beginning of round $k$.

Let $C$ be the $p$-pivot configuration in the beginning of round $k$. At least one of the two deciding parties is not the pivot $p$ of the round $k$. If party $q\neq p$ decided $val(C)$ before the beginning of round $k$, crash $p$ in round $k$ to reach a contradiction. Otherwise, party $q$ decides $val(C-p)$, in which case we continue the execution without faults to reach the contradiction.

Note that this argument above holds for non-uniform agreement:

  • Agreement: all decision values from eventually non-faulty parties are the same.

Reductions from mobile delay to asynchrony and mobile crash

The following claims are almost immediate, we provide them for completeness:

Claim 1: If there is a protocol that is resilient to one crash in asynchrony, then there is a protocol resilient to one mobile delay in lock step.

Proof of claim 1: Assume there is an asynchronous protocol that is resilient to $1$ crash and let there be some adversary to the mobile delay protocol. If messages from party $q$ are delayed for any finite amount in the mobile delay setting, we can simulate this via an asynchronous environment that delays these messages by that amount. If a party is indefinitely delayed at some point in the execution, then the asynchronous adversary can simulate this by crashing this party at that point in the execution. Since this is a possible execution in the asynchronous environment, the protocol is resilient to this (arbitrary) mobile delay adversary.

Claim 2: If there is a protocol that is resilient to one mobile crash in synchrony, then there is a protocol resilient to one mobile delay in lock step.

Proof of claim 2: Mobile crash has more power because it erases the messages sent after the crash, while mobile delay just delays them. So a mobile crash protocol can be transformed into a mobile delay protocol, by instructing parties to ignore any message they receive late and running the original protocol (thus simulating crashes).

The theorems at the top of this post follow from Claims 1 and 2 and the existence of infinite execution in the mobile delay lock step model.

Our proof initially followed the Layered Analysis of Consensus, 2002 by Moses and Rajsbaum, with simplifications for maintaining just two configurations. Following feedback from Gafni and Losa, we adopt the insights of Time is not a Healer, but it Sure Makes Hindsight 20:20, 2023 which is based on the work of Volzer, 2004 and maintains just one configuration.

Gafni and Losa prove an even stronger result, showing that synchronous single mobile crash and asynchronous single crash are equivalent in the sense that they can simulate each other (and showing two additional equivalent models).


  • The mobile delay adversary is used as a base for reductions to both the mobile crash and the asynchronous case. This highlights how little asynchrony is needed and the deep connection between asynchrony and mobile faults.
  • Compared to the FLP proof via bi-valency, this proof is more constructive in showing a fair execution. The FLP notion of bi-valency may not be the most natural definition for proving these results.
  • Compared to the Almost Same but Failure Free different notion of our post on early stopping, here we maintain just one configuration instead of two. However, the proofs are very similar. It currently seems that early stopping needs to maintain two configurations because it needs to reason about a configuration that is one round in the future.
  • The constructive round by round nature of this proof approach shows that all the adversary needs to do is guess the pivot and its action (which can be done with probability $1/2n$ each round). This immediately shows that any protocol (even a randomized one and even one that uses fancy cryptography) that runs for at most $c$ rounds must have an error probability of at least $(2n)^{-c} (1/2)$.

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