Public key cryptography (PKC) is a fundamental technology that is a key enabler to the Internet and the whole client-server paradigm. Without public key cryptography there would be no cryptocurrencies, no online bank accounts, no online retail, etc.

In the PKC paradigm with clients and servers, clients authenticate to servers by holding secret keys and servers verify the authentication by using known corresponding public keys.

When servers perform critical tasks, there is increased risk that they might fail. To increase fault tolerance, distributed protocols with multiple servers are used. Systems that coordinate multiple servers are challenging; these systems may suffer liveness violations (stop responding) and safety violations (provide inconsistent views to clients).

The CAP theorem (Consistency - Availability - Partition tolerance) is a fundamental result that captures the inherent limitations of replicating a server:

Any replicated server system, in the face of a perceived 50-50 split, can either protect against safety violations or liveness violations, but not both.

But what about the client? It needs to store its secret keys, not lose them, and protect them from being stolen. Storing secret keys for critical tasks is challenging due to the risk of failures. To increase fault tolerance, distributed storage protocols with multiple storage nodes are used. Systems that distribute client secrets are challenging; these distributed storage systems may suffer key loss (availability failure: losing access to your assets) or key theft (safety failure: attacker gains access to your assets). Several recent papers study this space, see MKE22, ME24.

The SAP theorem (Safety - Availability - Partition tolerance) is the fundamental analog result that captures the inherent limitations of distributing the secrets of a client:

Any distributed client secret storage system, in the face of a perceived 50-50 split, can either protect against key theft or key loss, but not both.

SAP theorem for two nodes

It is impossible to implement a distributed client secret key storage that is resilient to both key loss and key theft given two storage nodes and an adversary that can either crash one storage node or gain access to one storage node, in the partial synchrony model.


Consider a system with two storage nodes and two possible worlds. We will assume the system provides key loss resilience and prove that it cannot provide key theft resilience.

World A: Storage node 2 crashes. To provide liveness (key loss resilience) the system must still be able to sign commands in this setting.

World B: Storage node 1 is compromised, and the adversary has control over it. Moreover, due to asynchrony, storage node 2 is slow. The adversary can send malicious commands to storage node 1.

Due to the indistinguishably between the two worlds, the execution of world B must succeed in signing commands. So the system is not resilient to key theft (not safe).

General SAP theorem

Let $P \subset N$ be any non-trivial subset ($P \neq \emptyset, N$).

It is impossible to implement a distributed client secret key storage that is resilient to both key loss and key theft given $N$ storage nodes and an adversary that can either crash the storage nodes in $P$ or gain access to the storage nodes in $N\setminus P$, in the partial synchrony model.


The proof of the general statement is a reduction to the two node case. The main observation is that world A must make progress if the storage nodes in $P$ crash, and hence world B must make progress even if the storage nodes in $P$ are all slow.

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