We explore a family of broadcast protocols in the authenticated setting in which a designated sender wants to create a delivery-certificate of its input value. After describing the base protocol we call Provable Broadcast ($PB$), we explore the surprising power of simply running $PB$ two times in a row, then three times, and finally four times in a row.
These protocols are secure against a malicious adversary controlling $f<n/3$ parties in the asynchronous model.
Provable Broadcast based protocols are the backbone of many authenticated consensus protocols. When used as part of a consensus protocol, the delivery-certificate of $PB$ is often called a commit-certificate. In this post, we focus just on the $PB$ primitive and hence use the term delivery-certificate. We will refer to it as a commit-certificate in the follow-up posts that explain consensus protocols that use $PB$.
Provable Broadcast: is a simple one round-trip building block going back to Reiter 94’s Echo Broadcast. Echo Broadcast produces a delivery-certificate proving that $n-2f$ honest parties delivered the sender’s value. This is the Weak-Availability property. Moreover, even if the sender is Byzantine, the Uniqueness property guarantees that there is at most one such value. Echo Broadcast can be slightly extended to Validated Echo Broadcast which we call Provable Broadcast that also provides an External-Validity property (see below). This allows sequencing provable broadcast instances to achieve stronger properties:
- Locked Broadcast: by running two consecutive $PB$s, we get a two round-trip protocol. This protocol additionally provides a Unique-Lock-Availability pretty: a delivery-certificate is a proof that $n-2f$ honest parties received a lock-certificate for this value, and no other value can have a lock-certificate. Locked Broadcast is the main sub-loop of Tendermint, Casper FFG, linear PBFT, two-chain-HotStuff.
- Keyed Broadcast: by running three consecutive $PB$s, we get a three round-trip protocol. As before, a delivery-certificate is a proof that $n-2f$ honest parties received a lock-certificate. In addition, this protocol provides a Unique-Key-Availability property: if a lock-certificate exists, then $n-2f$ honest parties hold a key-certificate and there can only be one value with a key-certificate. Keyed Broadcast is the main loop of three-chain-HotStuff and overcomes the hidden lock problem.
- Robust Keyed Broadcast: by running four consecutive $PB$s, we get a four round-trip protocol. This protocol additionally provides a Robust-Delivery property: there is proof that at least $n-2f$ honest parties have a Delivery-Certificate. Robust Keyed Broadcast is the main sub-loop of Asynchronous protocols: VABA, ACE, AllYouNeedIsDag.
Note: Some recent consensus protocols opt for three consecutive $PB$s for obtaining Robust Locked Broadcast that provides Robust-Delivery with Unique-Lock-Availability (but without Unique-Key-Availability), see Tusk.
On External Validity
We assume there is some External Validity ($EV$) Boolean predicate that is provided to each party. $EV$ takes as input a value $v$ and a $proof$. If $EV(v,proof)=1$ we say that $v$ is externally valid. A simple example of external validity is a check that the value is signed by the sender and/or is signed by the client that controls the asset etc. External validity is based on the framework of Cachin, Kursawe, Petzold, and Shoup, 2001. In later posts, we will extend $EV$ to also take the internal state of the party as input.
Properties of the Broadcast protocols
All four protocols above have the following properties:
- Termination: If the sender is honest and has an externally valid input $v$, then after a constant number of rounds the sender will obtain a delivery-certificate of $v$. Note that the Termination property requires just the sender to hold the certificate.
- Uniqueness: There can be at most one value that obtains a delivery-certificate. So there cannot be two delivery-certificates with different values.
- External Validity: If there is a delivery-certificate with value $v$ and $proof$ then $v$ is externally valid. So $EV(v,proof)=1$.
The four protocols differ by providing additional properties:
- Echo Broadcast obtains Weak-Availability: If a delivery-certificate exists for $v$ then at least $n-2f$ honest parties hold the value $v$.
- Locked Broadcast obtains Unique-Lock-Availability: If a delivery-certificate exists for $v$ then there can only exist a lock-certificate for $v$ and there are at least $n-2f$ honest parties that hold this lock-certificate.
- Keyed Broadcast obtains Unique-Key-Availability: If a lock-certificate exists for $v$ then there can only exist a key-certificate for $v$ and there are at least $n-2f$ honest parties that hold this key-certificate.
- Robust Keyed Broadcast obtains Robust-Delivery: If a robust-certificate exists then there are at least $n-2f$ honest parties that hold a delivery-certificate.
Provable Broadcast (Validated Echo Broadcast) and Weak-Availability
Provable Broadcast calls a Boolean external validity function $EV(v,proof)$ as a subroutine. For now, consider the case where $EV$ just checks that $proof$ is a valid signature on $v$ relative to the designated sender’s public key.
$PB$ is a super simple protocol: the Sender sends a value, parties check the first value they see is valid, and if it is, sign it back to the sender. The sender accumulates signatures until a delivery-certificate is formed.
Sender s:
input v
input proof = <v>_s //signature by s on v
send <v, proof>_s to all
Party i:
For the first <v, proof> received from s:
If EV(v, proof) then send <v, proof>_i to s
Delivery-Certificate for v:
n-f distinct signers on <v, proof>
External Validity: since honest parties check $EV$ and at least $n-2f$ honest parties need to sign for a delivery-certificate to form.
Uniqueness follows from quorum intersection - seeking a contradiction assume there are two values $v \neq v’$ with a delivery-certificate. Hence there are two sets of size $n-f$, and they must intersect in at least $n-2f$ parties. Since $n>3f$, this implies that at least $f+1$ parties signed both certificates, but we assume the adversary can corrupt up to $f$ parties. Hence contradiction.
Termination follows from the sender needing to wait for only $n-f$ signatures for a delivery-certificate to form.
Weak-availability from counting: at least $n-f$ parties signed for the delivery-certificate to form, so at least $n-2f \geq f+1$ of them are honest.
Make sure you go over the proof once in detail. Now, let’s start composing :-)
Locked Broadcast and Unique-Lock-Availability
The sender runs two $PB$ consecutively: $PB_1,PB_2$. For $PB_1$ the external validity function $EV_1$ for now just checks the sender signature (in later posts, we will use Locked Broadcast as part of a consensus protocol, and add a PBFT style view change check to $EV_1$). For $PB_2$ we define $EV_2(v,p)$ to check that $p$ is a delivery-certificate on $v$ from $PB_1$ (so $EV_2$ checks that $p$ contains $n-f$ distinct valid signatures on $<v,proof>$). That’s it!
Sender s:
input v
input proof = <v>_s //signature by s on v
send <v, proof>_s to all
send <v, cert_1(v)>_s to all when you obtain cert_1(v)
Party i:
For the first <v, proof> you receive from s:
If EV_1(v,proof) then send <v, proof>_i to s
For the first <v, cert_1(v)> you receive from s:
If EV_2(v, cert_1(v)) then send <v, cert_1(v)>_i to s
Cert_1(v), "lock-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, proof>
Cert_2(v), "delivery-certifiacte for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, cert_1(v)>
Proof: We get External Validity and Uniqueness from $PB_1$. Termination follows from needing just $n-f$. Unique-Lock-Availability follows from the Uniqueness of $PB_1$ and the Weak-availability of $PB_2$. Directly: if there is a $cert_2(v)$ then from $PB_1$ there can be at most one $cert_1(v)$ and due to $PB_2$ at least $n-2f$ honest hold $cert_1(v)$.
Note 1: Unique-Lock-Availability is the core of what allows a safe view-change in all authenticated PBFT style protocols.
More on PBFT style view change:
It means that if a party committed to $v$ in view $k$ due to seeing a Certificate $cert_2(v,k)$ then any leader of any view $>k$, by querying $n-f$ parties, must intersect with one of the $n-2f$ honest holding $cert_1(v,k)$ hence this query must contain $cert_1(v,k)$, and no other $cert_1(v',k)$ can exist (here we use the Unique-Lock-Availability property). Moreover, the new leader, by sending all the $n-f$ certificates it queried as the proof, and proposing value $v$ from $cert_1(v,k)$ of the highest view $k$ in this set, can prove its proposal is safe. $EV_1$ checks that the proposal is indeed of the highest view, using this proof.
Note 2: In some protocols, Unique-Lock-Availability is not enough. When using Tendermint style view change, if not using a timeout, the new leader may not be aware of all the Lock-Certificates held by honest parties. This is called the hidden lock problem. HotStuff is a Tendermint style protocol that has the property that if any honest party has a Lock-Certificate then the new leader will not miss this lock, even if the new leader just waits for the first $n-f$ responses. HotStuff obtains this property by using Keyed Broadcast.
More on Tendermint style view change:
In the Tendermint view change protocol, the new leader only sends $cert_1(v,k)$, but does not prove this is the certificate with the highest view. Instead, $EV_1$ checks that the proposed value $v$ has a $cert_1(v,k)$ from a view $k$ that is at least as high as the highest $cert_1(v',k’)$ that the validator has ever seen. In a later post we will cover this in detail. For now, it's sufficient to grasp at a high level a problem with this protocol: a new honest leader, that does not use a timeout, may query $n-f$ parties and observe the highest $cert_1(v,k)$ is from view $k$, but due to it only waiting for the first $n-f$, may miss a $cert_1(v',k’)$ held by an honest party with $k<k’$. This may cause the new leader to fail Termination of its $PB$, and is called the *hidden lock problem*.
Keyed Broadcast and Unique-Key-Availability
Solving the hidden lock problem is critical for efficient solutions in asynchrony and efficient solutions obtaining responsiveness in partial synchrony.
In Keyed Broadcast the sender runs three $PB$s consecutively: $PB_1,PB_2, PB_3$. As before, for $PB_1$ we assume for now $EV_1$ just checks the sender signature (in later posts, we will use Keyed Broadcast as part of a consensus protocol, and add a Tendermint style lock check condition to $EV_1$). As before, $EV_2(v,proof)$ checks that $proof$ is a delivery-certificate on $v$ from $PB_1$. As you can imagine, $EV_3(v,proof)$ just checks that $proof$ is a delivery-certificate on $v$ from $PB_2$. That’s it!
Sender s:
input v
input proof = <v>_s //signature by s on v
send <v, proof>_s to all
send <v, cert_1(v)>_s to all when you obtain cert_1(v)
send <v, cert_2(v)>_s to all when you obtain cert_2(v)
Party i:
For first <v, proof> received from s:
If EV_1(v,proof) then send <v, proof>_i to s
For first <v, cert_1(v)> received from s:
If EV_2(v, cert_1(v)) then send <v, cert_1(v)>_i to s
For first <v, cert_2(v)> received from s:
If EV_3(v, cert_2(v)) then send <v, cert_2(v)>_i to s
Cert_1(v), "key-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, proof>
Cert_2(v), "lock-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, cert_1(v)>
Cert_3(v), "delivery-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, cert_2(v)>
Proof: External Validity and Uniqueness follows from $PB_1$, Unique-Lock-Availability from $PB_2 + PB_3$, Unique-Key-Availability follows from $PB_1 + PB_2$, and Termination follows from needing just $n-f$ in each of the three $PB$s.
To guarantee that there is no hidden lock: if an honest party has a lock-certificate $cert_2(v)$ then at least $n-2f$ honest have a key-certificate $cert_1(v)$ and there cannot be key-certificates on other values (due to $PB_1$). Hence during view change, even in asynchrony, a new honest leader is guaranteed to see at least one key-certificate for any lock-certificate held by any honest party. So the new honest leader can propose the value that has the key-certificate with the highest view.
In partial synchrony, this three round-trip protocol is the core of how HotStuff obtains responsiveness.
Finally, for termination in asynchrony, we want to know that many parties have a delivery-certificate. Simply add one more $PB$!
Robust Keyed Broadcast and Robust-Delivery
Run four consecutive $PB$s, where the fourth $PB$’s goal is to output a robust-certificate that indicates that at least $n-2f$ honest parties hold a delivery-certificate. A Deliver v
event is explicitly added when a valid delivery-certificate, $cert_3(v)$, is received.
For completeness here is the protocol:
Sender s:
input v
input proof = <v>_s
send <v, proof> to all
send <v, cert_1(v)> to all when you obtain cert_1(v)
send <v, cert_2(v)> to all when you obtain cert_2(v)
send <v, cert_3(v)> to all when you obtain cert_3(v)
Party i:
For first <v, proof> received from s:
If EV_1(v,proof) then send <v, proof>_i to s
For first <v, cert_1(v)> received from s:
If EV_2(v, cert_1(v)) then send <v, cert_1(v)>_i to s
For first <v, cert_2(v)> received from s:
If EV_3(v, cert_2(v)) then send <v, cert_2(v)>_i to s
For first <v, cert_3(v)> received from s:
If EV_4(v, cert_3(v)) then
Deliver v; and
send <v, cert_3(v)>_i to s
Cert_1(v), "key-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, proof>
Cert_2(v), "lock-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, cert_1(v)>
Cert_3(v), "delivery-certifiacte for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, cert_2(v)>
Cert_4(v), "robust-certificate for v":
n-f distinct signers on <v, cert_3(v)>
Proof: Termination is again obtained since we just need $n-f$ valid responses. Robust-Delivery follows from weak-availability of $PB_4$ and the uniqueness of $PB_1$.
All $PB$ protocols have a linear message complexity. When using threshold signatures they require a total of just $O(n)$ words of communication. When using multi signatures they require just $O(n)$ authenticators (where each authenticator includes $n$ bits and a single signature whose length depends on the security parameter).
Next Posts and Notes
In the next posts, we will see how:
- Locked Broadcast is the core building block of two-round-Hotstuff, 2018.
- Keyed Broadcast is the core building block of Hotstuff, 2018.
- Robust Keyed Broadcast is the core building block for obtaining a VABA, 2018. The exposition in this post is based on the $f+1$-Provable-Broadcast and $4$-stage-$f+1$-Provable-Broadcast of VABA, 2018.
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