In this post, we show how to solve Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement via the multi-world VABA approach of Abraham, Malkhi, and Spiegelman 2018.
What is Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement?
Given $n$ parties, and at most $f<n/3$ of them can be malicious (this is the optimal ratio for consensus with asynchronous communication). Parties have an agreed-upon external validity function $EV(val)$ that defines the set of valid values.
Each party possesses a valid input value (the adversary may have multiple valid input values).
A commit certificate consists of a value and a commit proof.
A VABA (Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement) is a protocol that includes a commit proof validity function $CV(cert)$ and has three essential properties:
- External validity: If $CV(cert)=true$, then $EV(cert.val)=true$. Any commit certificate that the commit proof validity function returns true on has a value that the external validity function returns true on.
- Liveness: In an expected constant number of rounds, all nonfaulty parties hold some $cert$ such that $CV(cert)=true$ (a commit certificate that the commit proof validity function returns true on).
- Safety: If $CV(cert)=true$ and $CV(cert’)=true$, then $cert.val=cert’.val$. There cannot be two commit certificates on two different values that the commit proof validity function returns true on.
How to solve Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement?
The multi-world VABA works via a combination of two primitives:
A randomness beacon (for example, a threshold verifiable random function or unique threshold signature scheme) with the following properties:
- Beacon correctness: For a given round, all parties output the same beacon value in $[1..n]$.
- Beacon liveness: If all non-faulty parties output their beacon share, then all will compute the beacon value.
- Beacon unpredictability: The adversary’s probability of guessing the beacon value for round $r$ before any non-faulty party releases its beacon share for round $r$ is $1/n$ (up to a negligible advantage).
Running $n$ instances in parallel of (almost any) view-based partial synchrony validated Byzantine agreement protocol (for example, PBFT or HotStuff). We will use the following properties:
- Asynchronous Safety: The partial synchrony protocol maintains safety for any agreed mapping of proposers to views. Looking ahead, we will use the beacon above to choose (in hindsight) the agreed-upon mapping in each view.
- Asynchronous Responsiveness: If all non-faulty parties start a view whose proposer is non-faulty and no non-faulty leaves the view for a constant number of rounds, then they will all decide and terminate. Note that this property does not hold if, for example, a protocol needs a timeout in addition to a constant number of rounds (as may happen sometimes in two-round hotstuff). In this sense, this property is stronger than the minimum liveness in synchrony needed by partial synchrony protocols.
- External Validity: The partial synchrony protocol decision is externally valid.
The advantages of the multi-world VABA approach to solving VABA
- It deconstructs asynchronous challenges into simpler challenges: partial synchrony “worlds” and a randomness beacon. This modular nature may help with component reuse and simplify learning.
- It can obtain the asymptotically optimal $O(n^2)$ expected communication complexity.
- As we show in later posts, it is possible to add significant throughput and latency improvements to this basic scheme.
A sketch of the multi-world VABA protocol
Multi-world VABA is a view-based protocol. Here is the sketch of view $v$:
Run $n$ instances (or worlds) of view $v$. In instance $i$, the proposer is party $i$. Each instance runs logically as if the other instances do not exist.
Once the proposer has a commit certificate in its instance, it sends that certificate to all parties and waits for $n{-}f$ confirmations, which we call a done certificate. The proposer then sends the done certificate to all parties.
Each party then waits for $n{-}f$ done certificates from $n{-}f$ different instances. Seeing proof that $n{-}f$ different instances have a done certificate is the trigger for the party to reveal its share of the beacon random value for view $v$.
Once the beacon value $b_v$ is revealed (typically when $n{-}f$ parties reveal their beacon share for view $v$), the parties act as they would in the partial synchrony protocol where all parties agree that party $b_v$ is the proposer in view $v$. All other instances are ignored (they are essentially decoys in hindsight).
Obtaining the beacon value also serves as a view change trigger to move to the next view (change from view $v$ to view $v+1$).
To start view $v+1$, parties send their view change information based on having $b_v$ as the proposer in view $v$.
Sketch of liveness:
Consider the first nonfualty to see a set of $n{-}f$ done certificates from $n{-}f$ different worlds. With constant probability, the beacon chooses an instance in this set, where its proposer completed a done certificate. So just like in a partial synchrony protocol, there are at least $f+1$ nonfualty that hold a commit certificate, so all parties will see this certificate in view $v+1$ (because any $n{-}f$ will see at least one nonfualty with a commit certificate).
Note that the adversary needs to bind to a set of $n{-}f$ instances that have a done certificate before seeing the beacon value at a stage when the beacon is unpredictable. This is an example of the general framework of using binding and randomization.
The end result is that all nonfualty will see a commit certificate after a constant expected number of views.
Sketch of safety:
Each view has one real instance of a partial synchrony protocol, and all the others are decoys. Each view has one agreed upon proposer, which is exactly what happens in the partial synchrony protocol - so the safety of this protocol is immediate from the safety of the partial synchrony protocol.
Sketch of external validity:
Just like safety, this follows directly from the external validity of the partial synchrony protocol.
Scaling the multi-world VABA protocol:
The multi-world protocol requires running $n$ instances per view. If each instance is linear then the expected cost is $O(n^2)$ words since the expected number of views till decision is constant.
A concrete way to obtain linear cost in each instance is to run the robust keyed broadcast which is just running 4 instances of provable broadcast.
So we spend $O(n^2)$ communication to agree on a $O(1)$ size data. This gives a $O(n^2)$ ratio. We can improve the throughput while keeping the same communication to reduce this ratio by using batching.
We will expand on these ideas in future posts. For now here is an overview:
- Agreeing on a linear-size validated input by using a provable AVID protocol (see here). Each instance disperses its $O(n)$ input via a provable dispersal that costs $O(n)$ and after the beacon we retrieve just the chosen instance at a $O(n^2)$ cost. This keeps the $O(n^2)$ communication while allowing to agree on $O(n)$ size data. The result is improving the throughput which results in a $O(n)$ ratio.
- If different proposers have different validated inputs then each proposer can aggregate $O(n)$ dispersals and aggregate that into a single proposal. This still keeps the $O(n^2)$ communication while allowing to agree on $O(n)$ different validated inputs each of size $O(n^2)$. If all we want is data availability then this improves the scalability to the asymptotically optimal $O(1)$ ratio.
What about latency and log replication?
Extending the sketch above from a single shot protocol to a log replication protocol is strait forward: just use a log replication partial synchrony protocol in each instance.
Improving the latency requires changing the protocol. We will discuss this and dealing with non-perfect randomness beacons in a later post.
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