Lower bounds in distributed computing are very helpful. Obviously, they prevent you from wasting time trying to do impossible things :-). Even more importantly, understanding them well often helps in finding ways to focus on what is optimally possible or ways to circumvent them by altering the assumptions or the problem formulation.
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What is the difference between PBFT, Tendermint, SBFT and HotStuff ?
In this post I will try to compare four of my favorite protocols for Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) State Machine Replication (SMR):
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The threshold adversary
In addition to limiting the adversary via a communication model synchrony, asynchrony, or partial synchrony, we need some way to limit the power of the adversary to corrupt parties.
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The power of the adversary
After we fix the communication model, synchrony, asynchrony, or partial synchrony, and a threshold adversary we still have 5 important modeling decisions about the adversary power:
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Synchrony, Asynchrony and Partial synchrony
In the standard distributed computing model, the communication uncertainty is captured by an adversary that can control the message delays. The communication model defines the limits to the power of the adversary to delay messages.
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