In this post, we prove a result of Abraham, Hubert Chan, Dolev, Nayak, Pass, Ren, Shi, 2019 showing that:
Theorem: Any broadcast protocol in synchrony that is resilient to $f$ strongly adaptive omission failures and has less than $1/8$ probability of error must have an expected communication of at least $f^2/64$ messages.
The classic Dolev and Reischuk 1982 lower bound for deterministic protocols is covered in this post.
Here we extend this lower bound to hold even for randomized protocols but require the adversary to be strongly adaptive.
What are strongly adaptive adversaries and why are they required for the lower bound?
- A strongly adaptive adversary can adaptively corrupt parties and, in addition, once a party is corrupted, it can claw back messages that have been sent but not delivered yet.
- The core idea of the Dolev and Reischuk lower bound is to isolate some party $p$ and make sure it does not receive any message and hence will not reach agreement. But in a randomized protocol, how can the adversary isolate party $p$? The answer is that it uses its ability to claw back: once it sees any party send a message to $p$, it immediately corrupts that party and claws back that message.
Note that the lower bound on broadcast in synchrony implies a lower bound on agreement in synchrony. In turn, this implies a lower bound on agreement in asynchrony.
Proof idea
As in Dolev and Reischuk’s proof from 1982, we show that some designated party gets no message and hence must violate agreement or termination with a (large) constant probability. This is done by defining two worlds. In world 1 there are $f/2$ parties, $V$, with omission failures. In world 2, we choose a uniformly random party $p \in V$ and un-corrupt it. In addition, we cause omission failures to the $f/2$ first messages sent to $p$. This is where claw back may be required.
Seeking a contradiction, we look at world 1 and use Markov inequity to argue that with a large probability the protocol sends not too many messages to parties in $V$. Conditioned on this event, there is a large probability that the party $p$ gets no more than $f/2$ messages. Conditioned on this event, there is a probability that all parties output the leader value (there is no error).
We then show indistingushability between world 1 and world 2. Then in world 2, conditioned on these three events, party $p$, which is non-faulty, sees no message, so there is a constant probability that party $p$ has either a safety error or a liveness error.
Consider a broadcast problem, where the designated sender has a binary input.
Observe what happens to a party that receives no messages: it will either not decide 0 with probability at least 1/2 or not decide 1 with probability at least 1/2. Without loss of generality, assume that a majority of parties (other than the designated sender) that receive no message will not decide 1 with probability at least 1/2. Let $Q$ be this set of parties and note that $|Q| \geq (n-1)/2$.
As with Dolev and Reischuk’s proof from 1982, the proof describes two worlds and uses indistinguishability.
World 1
In World 1, the adversary corrupts a set $V \subset Q$ of $f/2$ parties that do not include the designated sender. Let $U$ denote the remaining parties (not in $V$). All parties in $V$ run the designated protocol but suffer from omission failures as follows:
- Each $v \in V$ omits the first $f/2$ messages sent to $v$ from parties in $U$,
- Each $v \in V$ omits all messages it sends to and receives from parties in $V$.
Note that messages sent from parties in $V$ to parties in $U$ are not omitted.
Set the non-faulty designated sender with input 0. So from the validity property, all non-faulty parties must output 0.
The events $\mathcal{X}_1$, $\mathcal{X}_2$, and $\mathcal{X}_3$
Let $\mathcal{X}_1$ be the event that the parties in $V$ send at most $f^2/8$ messages to parties in $U$. Since the expected number of messages is at most $f^2/64$, we have that $\Pr[\mathcal{X}_1] \le 1-1/8$. This is because from Markov Inequality:
\[\Pr[ \text{not } \mathcal{X}_1] = \Pr[\text{more than }f^2/8] = \Pr[\text{more than }8\mu] < 1/8.\]Let $p\in U$ be a uniformly randomly chosen party in $U$ and let $\mathcal{X}_2$ be the event that there are at least $f/4$ parties in $U$ that receive more messages from parties in $V$ than $p$ (so $p$ is below the median).
So, $\Pr[\mathcal{X}_2] = 1/2$.
We can bound $\Pr[\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2] \ge 1/2 +1 - 1/8 -1 =3/8$.
If event $\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2$ occurs, then party $p$ receives at most $f/2$ messages from parties in $U$. This is because otherwise, there are $f/4$ parties that receive $f/2$ messages for a total of $f^2/8$, which is a contradiction.
Let $\mathcal{X}_3$ be the event that all non-faulty parties output 0. From validity in world 1 and the fact that the error is at most 1/8, we have that $\Pr[\mathcal{X}_3] \geq 1 - 1/8$.
So we can bound $\Pr[(\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2) \cap \mathcal{X}_3] \ge 3/8 +1 - 1/8 -1 = 1/4$.
Observe that conditioned on $\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2 \cap \mathcal{X}_3$, in world 1, with probability at least $1/4$:
- All non-faulty parties output 0.
- The faulty party $p$ sees no messages.
World 2
In world 2, the adversary does everything as in World 1, except:
- It does not corrupt the randomly chosen party $p$, and
- It corrupts all parties in $U$ that correspond to the first $f/2$ messages sent to $p$. Messages sent by these omission corrupt parties to $p$ are omitted, and claw back is used if needed. Call this set $W$.
Clearly the adversary can do this because it corrupts at most $f/2$ in $V$ and at most $f/2$ in $W$.
Worlds are indistinguishable
The only difference between worlds 1 and 2 is that in world 1 it’s party $p$ that blocks the first $f/2$ incoming messages from $W$ and in world 2 it’s the parties in $W$ that block these same messages to $p$ as outgoing messages.
The event $\mathcal{Y}$
Due to world 1 and 2 being indistinguishable, we have that, conditioned on $\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2 \cap \mathcal{X}_3$, in world 2, with probability at least $1/4$:
- All non-faulty parties output 0.
- The non-faulty party $p$ sees no messages.
Now we use the fact that in world 2, $p$ is non-faulty, sees no message, and hence does not output 0 with probability at least 1/2. Moreover, since $p$ sees no message, this probability is independent of the events $\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2 \cap \mathcal{X}_3$. Let $\mathcal{Y}$ be the event that $p$ either does not terminate or outputs 1.
\[\Pr[\mathcal{Y} \mid \mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2 \cap \mathcal{X}_3 ] >1/2\]So in world 2, we have an error of more than 1/8:
\[\Pr[\mathcal{X}_1 \cap \mathcal{X}_2 \cap \mathcal{X}_3 \cap \mathcal{Y}] > 1/8\]Which is a contradiction.
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